Oct 26, 2009

This Week's Shooting Challenge: Jack-o'-Lanterns

It's almost Halloween, and for this week's Shooting Challenge, we want to see see pumpkins. And we want them to be evil.

The official challenge: "Jack-o'-Lanterns." As always, interpret the theme however you'd like to give us the best shot that you can.

And for a little inspiration, check out the photos of "fall leaves" we received last week.

The Four Rules:

1. Submissions need to be your own.
2. Photos need to be taken the week of the contest. (No portfolio linking or it spoils the "challenge" part.)
3. Explain, briefly, the equipment, settings and technique used to snag the shot.
4. Email submissions to contests@gizmodo.com.

Send your best entries by the end of Thursday at contests@gizmodo.com with "Jack-o'-Lanterns" in the subject line. Save your files as JPGs or GIFs at 800 pixels wide, and use a FirstnameLastname.jpg naming convention using whatever name you want to be credited with. Include your shooting summary (camera, lens, ISO, etc) in the body of the email.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to everyone here showing me up (again) by the end of the week!


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